Monday, 27 August 2012

Newsletter August

Kia Ora whānau,

The first of the new online newsletter system!! A new edition to Giggle Pots newsletter communication with our very own blog site. Please take some time to browse our blog where new information will be posted frequently. Reminders such as lunch box day, wheels day and breakfast at Giggle Pots day will all be announced here!

A BIG thank you to all of your support through our recent ERO review. We got outstanding feedback for our partnerships with whānau so that's big ups to you for making it all possible.

ALSO- thank you to the parents who came along to the picnic excursion to Aatahua Tane Pā, where we learnt a lot about our local history and whakapapa. Place-based learning enhances children's experiences so that they are meaningful to their current beliefs, values, experiences and schemas (Piaget, 1926). Excursions allow children “the opportunity to appreciate their local community at a more leisurely pace in a child-centred way” (Hedges, 2004, p.27).


Hedges, H. (2004). Excursions: Extending children’s and teacher’s learning and experiences.Early Education,36. 27-32.

Friday, 3 August 2012


Our philosophy reflects connectedness and partnerships between kaiako/teachers, children, whānau, and the community. We strive to meet the needs of individuals learning, development, interests, and strengths. Partnerships with all families are of upmost importance in helping children to build on learning from home. Early childhood settings provide children with opportunities for new learning to be fostered and connected between the centre and the home. Children's well-being will be fostered in order to support their sense of belonging, communication skills, contribution, empowerment and willingness to learn. We value content and curriculum knowledge, providing a wide variety of resources and experiences. Music, literacy, artistic languages, mathematical concepts, scientific concepts and dance will all be at the core of meaningful interest led learning experiences.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

About Giggle Pots Nursery Blog

Kia Ora Giggle Pots whānau,

Welcome to the brand new blog site for our learning community.
The purpose of this blog site is to enhance our communication and access to important information, newsletters, child's individual profiles, learning stories and links.
If you have any suggestions of how we could improve our website please see Felicity in the administration office.

Thanks for being a part of our new technology.

Cyber safety

Cyber safety is often the first thought for any parents when photos are being shared through an online service. This blog site is set to private, therefore you will only be able to read this post if you have been personally invited by our centre. The Ministry of Education (2005) elaborates on how ICT has increased parent involvement and participation in their children due to accessibility and visibility at a pace that suits you. Net Safe (2008) is an official document that was distributed to all centres in relation to cyber safety.

Please view the provided links to gain an understanding of cyber safety for your children.


Keep your child safe

Cyber safety

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


This blog site is for a hypothetical centre and the creation of an online communication tool. The purpose of this blog is to highlight the benefits of information and communication technology. This tool has been developed to represent how a blog could be used to enhance partnership with nga whanau and further communication with the community and wider world (Ministry of Education, 1996; MOE, 2005).