Monday, 24 September 2012

Newsletter September

Kia Ora whānau,

We have had a very busy month this September, what a lot to celebrate!
The children in the infant and toddlers centre have had a ball with our current learning interest in physical play. Please see learning stories and photos to spot your child in action.*

*Please see Lisa regarding permission passwords to view your child's profile.

Another current learning interest involves the natural world and the concept of the Earth Mother (Pāpatuanuku) and Sky Father (Ranginui). Learn alongside your tamariki to enhance recall and to form connections between learning at the centre and the home. Gain further understanding of Te Ao Marama (The world of light), check out great link to Part one of a quick 1 min 25 sec youtube clip HERE.
- Stay tuned for part two!

On Friday we had wheels day, and what a success!
All of the children had something with wheels to bring; either a scooter, bike, trolley, skateboard or even rollar blades! We explored concepts such as taking turns and a few of the children were excited to become involved in trying new things.


#1- Next week we have parent teacher interviews. Please see the attached form to add your name to the time list. Interviews commence Tuesday evening through to Thursday evening.

#2- Nappies :) Please ensure that your child has enough nappies at the end of each day session.

#3- Whānau christmas party: Is any father or male family member willing to me santa clause this year? We are organising gifts for the children early this year to avoid any last minute panic. If your child has a specific interest please let us know so we can cater gifts accordingly.

Thank you for your support in enabling Giggle Pots to trial our new blog site. We hope to improve accesibility and communication within whānau and the centre.

Ka kite ano,
Giggle Pots manager,

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Charlie's Profile

Name: Charlie

Birthday: 24.06.2010

- Planes
- Small hiding spaces
- Physical Play
- Climbing
- Playing in the sandpit

Strengths (Curriculum based):
Mathematical concepts;
- Categorising
- 1:1 Correspondence
- Shape recognition
- Starting to collect name from magnet wall and imitate letters
- Verbal communication
- Non- verbal communication
- Loves to sing
Scientific concepts;
- Action reaction

Charlie is taking an interest and becoming involved in using te reo

* Please comment on Charlie's profile to update us on any new interests, strengths or aspirations you have for your child.


Nathan's Profile

Name: Nathan

Birthday: 07.09.2011

- Creating train tracks
- Driving cars on the road mat
- Building sand castles
- The Wonky Donkey CD and book
- Playing on the slide
- Messy play
- Dancing to The Wiggles

Strengths (Curriculum based):
Mathematical concepts;
- Categorising
- 1 : 1 correspondence
- Can count to 5
- Starting to recognise own name written down 
- Verbal communication
- Non- verbal communication

Nathan spends sustained amounts of time dancing to The Wiggles and easily recognises the CD when we need help finding it in the CD rack!

* Please comment on Nathan's profile to update us on any new interests, strengths or aspirations you have for your child.

Emma's Profile

Name: Emma 

Birthday: 08.02.2012

- Birds
- Water play
- Fluffy textures
- Climbing on the crash mats
- Rolling on the grass

- Rolling from back to stomach

Strengths (Curriculum based):
- Smiles
- Non- verbal communication
- Loves poems/ songs

Emma is delightful and very placid. She is drawn to sparkly material and enjoys playing peek-a-boo in both te reo and english.

* Please comment on Julia's profile to update us on any new interests, strengths or aspirations you have for your child.

Julia's Profile

Name: Julia 

Birthday: 04.01.2011

- Trains
- Building blocks
- The Lion Sleeps Tonight book and CD
- Climbing on the coloured boxes
- Playing in the sandpit

- Walking (January)

Strengths (Curriculum based):
Mathematical concepts;
- Categorising
- Can count to 4
- Starting to recognise name 
- Moderate verbal communication
- Non- verbal communication
- Loves poems
Scientific concepts;
- Loves making volcanoes in the sandpit
- Noticing textures through chemical reaction with gloop

Julia is transitioning into the group 2 toddlers. What a big milestone!

* Please comment on Julia's profile to update us on any new interests, strengths or aspirations you have for your child.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Children's Profiles Reminder

Hello parents/ caregivers,

Below are the children's profilesthat have been granted permission to be on this blog site. If you wish to have your child's profile publicized please sign the permission form that went home last Thursday. If you need a new one we have plenty spare permission form's in Felicity's admin office. Due to ethical commitments your child's profile will not be on our blog until we have signed consent from both legal guardians. Thank you for your help in this area.

Please stay tuned for learning story permission slips!

Sarah Findlay,

Teaching Team

(Left to Right)

Row 1: Sarah, Karen, Nina

Row 2: Josh, Daisy, Katie

Row 3: Patricia, Stacy, Brenda

Absent: Felicity 

Name: Sarah Findlay
Qualification: Degree in business and management/ Degree in teaching early childhood
Position: Manager/ Teacher

Name: Karen Findlay
Qualification: Degree in teaching early childhood
Position: Head Teacher

Name: Nina Jackson
Qualification: Diploma in teaching early childhood
Position: Teacher

Name: Josh Halloway
Qualification: Degree in teaching early childhood
Position: Teacher

Name: Daisy Virtue
Qualification: Teacher in training
Position: 2nd year student

Name: Katie Linden
Qualification: Teacher in training
Position: 3rd year student

Name: Patricia Haize
Qualification: Unqualified
Position: Reliever

Name: Stacey Long
Qualification: Unqualified
Position: Reliever

Name: Brenda Scully
Qualification: Diploma in cooking
Position: Professional Chef

Name: Felicity Chasington
Qualification: Degree in business and management/
Position: Administrator