Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Newsletter October

Kia Ora Whanau!

Lets review October.

Wheels day was such a success that we are planning it for Monday 13th of November. Please bring your child's choice of wheels so we can block off the car park to give children the full experience!

Physical play is a great interest still and the children have been loving your ideas and input to their learning. Charlie's mother Lee-Anne donated a large parachute to the centre and we have enjoyed hiding underneath it and making waves with the silk material. The infants have made use of it too, enjoying crawling or lying on the silk, as this is a first for many. Thanks to the wonderful parents and family using our blog site to comment on current events, photos, links and newsletters. What a great success! Feel free to add your own links and child's interests to the comment space below each post.Parent interviews went down a treat with lovely nibbles and drinks to celebrate nga tamariki' milestones, learning and development.
The children's interest in the Earth Mother (Pāpatuanuku) and the Sky Father (Ranginui) has been topic of conversation this month. Learning expereiences have been contextual to children's way of learning, strengths, interests attitudes and skills. An example involves the children creating their own collage natural mural.
Christmas Party: So far we have organized the date to be December 21st which is a Friday. We will have presents to share with the children and thanks to Clara's dad for offering to play Santa Clause, what a fun day it will be! To minimize costs please bring a plate of finger food to share as a form of poroporoaki (food shared upon finishing something).
Ka kita ano 

Thank you to all of the parents/ caregivers keeping up to date with nappies, a huge improvement :)

Sarah Findlay 

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