Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Te Whāriki: The Early Childhood Curriculum

Te Whāriki is a framework for providing tamariki/children's early learning and development within a sociocultural context. It emphasises the learning partnership between kaiako/teachers, parents, and whānau/families. Kaiako/teachers weave an holistic curriculum in response to tamariki/children's learning and development in the early childhood setting and the wider context of the child's world.

Te Whāriki is New Zealand's early childhood education curriculum framework.

Ministry of Education publicized this now compulsary document in 1996.

It provides children's early learning and development with a sense of partnership between kaiako/teachers, parents, and whānau/families within a sociocultural context.

Kaiako/teachers respond to children's learning and development through a holistic curriculum centred around the individual interests, strengths, attitudes and knowledge.


# Empowerment- Whakamana

# Holistic Development- Kotahitanga

# Family and Community- Whānau Tangata

# Relationships- Ngā Hononga


# Well-being- Mana Atua

# Belonging- Mana Whenua

# Contribution- Mana Tangata

# Communication- Mana Reo

# Exploration- Mana Atūroa

Learning Outcomes

"Knowledge, skills and attitudes combine as dispositions- 'habits of mind' or 'patterns of learning'. An example of a learning disposition is the disposition to be curious. It may be characterised by:

- an inclination to enjoy puzzling over events;
- the skills to ask questions about them in different ways; and
- an understanding of when is the most appropriate time to ask these questions"
(Ministry of Education, 1996).

Please view the official website by clicking HERE

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